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Ontario Field Ornithologists

Dedicated to the study of birds in Ontario

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Rainy River

  • 06 Jun 2025
  • 7:00 AM
  • 07 Jun 2025
  • 3:30 PM
  • Rainy River
  • 8



Friday, June 6 - Saturday,  June 7  

Leader : Leo Weiskittel

Co-Leaders : Kiah Jasper, Alessandra Wilcox.

Please note that Leo will arrive in Rainy River on June 1st and will reconnoitre the area daily before setting up the most productive fieldtrips.

Meet 7:00 a.m.on first day at the junction of Worthington 3 Road and Highway 11 east of Rainy River. Mainly roadside birding, but some offroad walking to sites is possible, depending on conditions. We will search for breeding American White Pelican, Sharp-tailed Grouse, Marbled Godwit, Sandhill Crane, Black-billed Magpie, Connecticut Warbler and Le Conte’s Sparrow. Possible Great Gray Owl, Western Kingbird, Eared Grebe, Yellow Rail, Franklin's Gull and Piping Plover.

Type of Trip: Breeding birds, spring migrants, photography. A scope will be useful. Rubber boots recommended. Pack a lunch and drinks. Bring sunscreen and insect repellent. It is also important that participants start out on Friday with a full tank of gas in their vehicles.

Location and Directions: The first day meeting point is approximately 10 kilometres east of Rainy River. Turn north from Highway 11 on Worthington 3 Road, cross the train tracks and then meet the leaders. Worthington 3 Road is the third sideroad out from Rainy River. Caution: There are also roads called Worthington 1 and Worthington 2, leading to possible confusion.

Important Notes:

Rainy River is a very small community. There is 1 grocery store. As of last year, the in town gas station went out of business but it has recently reopened . If it recloses, fill up either on the American side, or in Emo.

For evening meals, restaurants are on the American side of the river or in Emo. Bring a passport if you plan on eating in the U.S. The only motel in Rainy River is the Walla Walla. They have in the past designated all their rooms to us during this field trip, (at a group rate of $100.57 inc tax, per room/night in 2023). Please state that you are with the OFO group when you call to book your room. To book call TJ at 807.271.1029. We are also trying to arrange a group barbecue at cost at the motel on the Friday and Saturday.  Camping in the area is also available.

Please note that in 2025 there will be no additional fee charged to participants for attending this fieldtrip.

We require a minimum of 15 participants to run this fieldtrip. Registration deadline is May 25th.

Public Transportation: None.

Duration: 7:00 a.m. — 3:30 p.m. each day. Rest stops and lunch breaks will occur throughout each day.

Approximate Distance: Distances driven depend on local birding info at time of the trip; there is the possibility of flooding in some areas which will determine where we go.

Terrain: Variety of habitats including flat farmland, boreal forest and marsh, but good footwear required. Mostly level, with one small hill. Trails are mostly pavement with sand or boardwalks at some sites.

Washrooms: En route.

Land Acknowledgement: We acknowledge that we are meeting on the territory of Treaty 3, the traditional land of the Anishinabe people. We also recognize our local Metis Nation that shares the spiritual history of this land.

About OFO Field Trips

OFO strives to create an inclusive, comfortable and enjoyable experience for all. Trip leaders are volunteers who generously offer their time to share their knowledge and passion for birds with others. Most OFO trips are suitable for beginner birders. Please let the trip leaders know if you are new to birding when you arrive.

Code of Conduct and Code of Birding Ethics: Participants are expected to review OFO’s Code of Conduct and Code of Birding Ethics before the trip.

Cancellation Policy: Space is limited so please cancel your registration if you cannot attend. If you need to cancel your registration on an outing, please go to the Events Registration page at If you are registered for an event, you will see "Already registered" on the left side of the brief outing summary. Click on this, and you will see a button you can click to CANCEL REGISTRATION.

Transportation: All participants are responsible for their own transportation to and from the field trip. Public transit information, if available, is included in the trip description.

What to Bring: Dress appropriately for the weather and wear sturdy, closed toe footwear. Bring ID and health card, water, a packed lunch for longer trips, and money for park entrance and ferry fees. Depending on the season, sunscreen, insect repellant and a topical insect bite treatment such as Afterbite or Benadryl are recommended.

Loaner Binoculars: Email if you require loaner binoculars. We will do our best to provide a pair.

Leaving Early: Trip leaders understand that not everyone will be able to stay for the duration of the trip. If you must leave early, please inform the trip leaders before you go.

Rest Stops and Lunch Breaks: Trip leaders will include rest stops and lunch breaks but if you require additional rest stops, please inform the trip leaders, so they can accommodate your request.

Safety and First Aid: Trip leaders are volunteers. They are not trained in first aid and cannot provide medical help in the case of an accident or administer medication. When driving, please follow the rules of the road. Exercise caution when parking on the side of the road and getting out of your car.

Accessibility: OFO aims to provide accessible birding trips which are welcoming and enjoyable for all. If you have any questions about the trip, or require accommodations, please contact the trip leaders in advance by emailing Please allow a few days for a response.

If you have any questions or concerns, email

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